Hello! I hope you are having a good week. After a big personal shake up and realization (you can read about it below in the article “How You Show Up For One Thing Is How You Show Up For Everything“), I have had a lot of things shake loose and start to come together. I’ve also recognized more than ever the importance of rituals in every area of my life, and have been benefiting from structure in a way I never have before (it used to terrify me!). I’m getting a lot done, feeling healthy, productive, creative, happy, compassionate, and also exhausted sometimes.
I ended up hitting a wall yesterday, so I’m taking a tiny break and letting my mind and body rest. It’s not really possible to be in a constant state of flow, we need to rest, and I’m honoring that space while still showing up the best as I can for myself and others until I’m ready to hit the ground running!
Did you see that the Leo Season Workshop is coming up and ready for you to sign up? I’m doing a $60 valued giveaway + shipping (USA eligible only for giveaway). We’re going to be talking about self-worth/confidence, courage, aggression, and resilience. Plus, we’ll be doing some amazing self-love activities. You ready? Get your ticket and mark your calendars for Friday, August 7th at 7 PM EDT! See you there!
Some posts you might have missed:
- 15 Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Mood
- Randonautica Adventure
- Don’t Give Up When You’re Three Feet From The Gold
- 10 Tips For Being Practically Optimistic
- Why You Shouldn’t Skip The Intro Chapters
- 6 Tips For Loving Your Body
- How You Show Up For One Thing Is How You Show Up For Everything
- Your Life Can Be Totally Different
- Ways I Know I’m In The Vortex
Here’s what I’ve been into lately…
Rainbow Flags
Amazing New Moon In Cancer Workshop
Drawing Hearts On My Boobs
Encouraging Street Art
Fixing Book Displays For Alexandra Roxo
Hologram Heart Doors
Monochrome Homes
Rainbow Spirits
Pink And Violet Sunsets
Disco Balls Reminding Me I’m In The Vortex
Rainbow Doors
Charging Crystals Under The moon
Walks At Dusk Illuminating Neon Signs
Black Lives Matter Tapestries
Rainbow Stairs
Taking A Day Off
[Extra Sparkle] * Starting the day with a new module of an e-course * Tapping on forgiveness * Cleaning all the surfaces and mirrors in my bedroom * Watching a hilarious documentary on drive-in movie advertisements * Craving a Barq’s root beer so much that I called and talked to a gas station attendant at midnight * Finding an alley covered in blue twinkle lights * Tomato charcoal face masks Mindy on ‘The Mindy Project’ (big Gemini energy) * Wearing crop tops in air conditioning so the cold air hits my hips and back * Cotton candy grapes as car snacks * Sending voice memo notes as gratitude * Helping women empower themselves in the next chapter of their lives * Walks at dusk * Hanging my head out of the car window like a dog * Digging deeper every day into myself
Unusual Holidays
29 – Rain Day
29 – Chicken Wing Day
29 – Lipstick Day
29 – Tiger Day
30 – Friendship Day
30 – Share A Huge Day
30 – Paperback Book Day
30 – Cheesecake Day
31 – Uncommon Instruments Awareness Day
31 – Avocado Day
1 – World Wide Web Day
1 – Lammas
1 – Sand Castle Day
2 – Coloring Book Day
3 – Watermelon Day
3 – Full Moon In Aquarius
4 – Chocolate Chip Day
5 – Underwear Day
What’s on YOUR Happiness list this week?