by Uncustomary | Jan 16, 2018 | Activism, Street Art
Photo: Maura Housley When I started this project in 2016, I never could have imagined how much it would expand in just a year. I had no idea what I was in for! There were about fifty people who donated scarves for the 2017 Install, and we hung those up with six...
by Uncustomary | Sep 28, 2017 | Activism, Street Art
Last year we started something I want to turn into a tradition — abandoning scarves for those who need them here in Baltimore! Please join in for the 2nd Annual Baltimore Scarf Abandonment! Just like last year, if you’re not local, you can still absolutely...
by Uncustomary | Jul 11, 2017 | Street Art
It’s always so interesting the way things happen. They say you’re a gajillion times more likely to get a job if you know someone who works there, and they’re right. Word of mouth is so powerful, and sometimes things fall into place in such weird...
by Uncustomary | Mar 7, 2017 | Street Art, Self-Love
Hey babes! Just wanted to share a little yarnbomb installation I did to remind you to practice self-love! Check out the popular self-love posts or my self-love e-course for more resources if you need more of that in your life right now (pssst – we can always use...
by Uncustomary | Jan 16, 2017 | Street Art, Activism
A Facebook friend posted an article on my wall of someone who organized a scarf abandonment project on the west coast and suggested I organize one in Baltimore. You don’t have to tell me twice! I immediately put up a Facebook event page and called for scarves...