This Is About You: Amazing, Weird, Beautiful You
by Mary England
Happiness isn’t elusive. It can be yours. So often I talk to people who don’t think it’s possible for them to live a happy life, and I can honestly say I found the key that will unlock that coveted box you want to open. The key is self-love, and it will change everything.
I struggled with mental illness for twenty years. Some days I still do. Between my personal experiences with mental illness, body image issues, and low self-esteem and my professional experience of working in the field of psychology for five years, I think I can relate to what you’re struggling with and help you through it.
I know how hard life can be, and I don’t intend to gloss over anything. I want to give you tools, suggestions, and examples of things that have worked in the past, but I will never tell you what to do. You are your own person. I think you’re amazing and capable of an enormous amount.
Writing this book was more than just checking off the number on thing on my Bucket List. It was a lesson for me, and I believe through everything I’ve learned in my life so far, I can help you figure out just how to love and accept yourself as you are right now while still maintaining the desire to improve in healthy ways.
The book is a smooth paperback, splashed with full color and gorgeous images by Maura Housley. There are interactive sections for you to write directly in your copy, and hundreds of ideas of activities to try.
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“I have been going through a very troubled time in my life. At 27 I’ve been divorced, abused physically and mentally, and have been picked on for my weight. All wrapped in to one- I’m a tangled mess. The doctors diagnosed me as bipolar, depressed, OCD and severe body dysmorphia. My grandmother saw my struggle and sent me this book as a gift. I have not felt more happy in my life! No exaggeration, after reading just 15 pages of it I felt the warmth come back to my heart, the smile back on my face, and the pep back in my step. I have made a commitment to reading at least 10 pages a night while doing the activities it comes with. What an eye opener!”
– Nicole P.
“As a retired School Psychologist with over 25 years experience, I was totally struck by the strong, authentic, clear voice of this young writer. Ms. England has done her own personal work on issues that plague so many individuals in our world. Her words provide much insight for those who struggle with self-love and acceptance. Her ideas and suggestions are creative, practical and plentiful. Despite what is usually treated as a serious topic, Ms. England manages to present her information joyfully. Kudos to this loving spirit who may chronologically be young, but who is without a doubt a very old soul!”
– Margaret Cannon
“From the first paragraph in this book you can tell it’s going to be a different experience. It’s not a psychologist telling you how to feel – it’s a friend (with a background in psychology) telling you how she feels, and sharing all of her coping mechanisms and good ideas with you. Even better, she doesn’t tell YOU how YOU should feel – she lets you decide that for yourself. This is written almost as a conversation from someone who has been where you are, wherever that is – feeling good, feeling bad, feeling mentally ill, feeling like a sexy badass – and who still actively works on loving herself on a daily basis. You feel included in the conversation, and the activities in the book aren’t silly and pointless – they’re actually helpful. Also, this book directly and openly discusses sexuality and masturbation, things that are sometimes glossed over, but are a super important part of who we are as human beings.”
– Janice Jedrowicz
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