by Uncustomary | Sep 23, 2020 | Self-Love, How To
It’s fun to make new traditions (and uphold them). It might feel difficult to do that with changing environments that can feel restrictive based on our original baseline. For example, I love sunflowers (the most, they’re my favorite!), and I’ve...
by Uncustomary | Sep 23, 2020 | Self-Love
We often talk about the balance between mind, body, and soul, but often leave out the concept of energy. What are you doing on a daily basis to charge up your ENERGY? I made a list of activity ideas for each of these categories. Keep in mind many of these can...
by Uncustomary | Sep 9, 2020 | Lists, Self-Love
One of my favorite parts of self-love is not only embracing, but celebrating our inner weird… and also celebrating the weird in others! The weird in me is different than the weird in you. The normal in my group of friends might be weird to yours, and vice versa....
by Uncustomary | Aug 28, 2020 | Self-Love
In doing trauma therapy and my own deeper diving of personal development work, I’ve realized how many cyclical patterns I’ve repeated, and how much this applies to so many other people as well. The amount of people who identify with the… “I stayed too long” “I dreaded...
by Uncustomary | Aug 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
The other day on my walk I was sweating my butt off in August Baltimore Humidity, near the end of an hour long walk, and I walked by a group of gorgeous people dressed up all fancy, about to go out to dinner at an expensive restaurant. A part of my brain immediately...