I Have Tourette’s

I Have Tourette’s

Tourette’s started everything. It’s how I started my first book; it’s how I believe my real life started. Sure, I had memories before then like realizing I was the only one who could read Mrs. Queen’s cursive notes to herself on the...
15 Tips For Dealing With Cramps

15 Tips For Dealing With Cramps

It’s kind of crazy how my period cycles have become so much more regular and in sync with the moon ever since I started practicing moon gatherings. Lately, it’s been almost to the hour that I start bleeding as soon as the new moon becomes 100% full in our...
10 Tips To Have A Great Week

10 Tips To Have A Great Week

We all want to make the most out of our time here on earth, and we can think about that time in big chunks, but it really comes down to the smaller intervals. How are we spending each day? How are we setting ourselves up for success and taking steps to make ourselves...
Bipolar Day

Bipolar Day

On March 30th every year, there is an unusual holiday that is not necessarily very “lighthearted”, but we still get the chance to observe it because it’s pretty important. It’s World Bipolar Day. Bipolar Disorder affects 5.7 million people just...
All Fat People Deserve To Be Heard

All Fat People Deserve To Be Heard

Recently, I read a status on a popular fat positive account that was making two points. The first was that people of color deserve to have a louder voice in the body positivity community. I agree with that. If your body positivity (and feminism) isn’t...