What Are You Tolerating?

What Are You Tolerating?

It’s really important to make goals and go after our dreams. Sitting down to make a Bucket List and then actually crossing things off that list feels so good, but you know what else is just as important? Knowing what we don’t want! I actually have a Fucket List, AKA...
Mirror Work 101

Mirror Work 101

Mirror work is something I learned from Louise Hay, and simply put it’s the act of engaging in positive self-talk, out loud, while looking at yourself in the mirror. More specifically, the positive self-talk takes the form of positive affirmations, and your best...
10 Ways To Get Over Imposter Syndrome

10 Ways To Get Over Imposter Syndrome

When I first quit my 9-5 job and officially transitioned to running Uncustomary full-time, I struggled with what to say when I met new people who asked me what I did for a living. After all, in American (and many other) culture, it’s one of the first questions we ask...
10 Ways To Manage Social Anxiety

10 Ways To Manage Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is a common issue people face, and it’s even classified separately in the DSM now. Although the symptoms that happen when someone is socially anxious can mimic symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder or a Panic Disorder, the reasons for them happening...