I am not trying to instill more fear, panic, and anxiety in you. In fact, my goal throughout this is to provide resources to alleviate those feelings, to promote positivity, and to help you with feelings of isolation by giving you options for creativity, structure, and boredom. I just want to be clear that the reason I made this list is because I desperately want you to spend your time at home, and if this list gives you ideas for how you can do that, then I am extremely glad.
Please also remember that your language and thought patterns matter. You can choose to say and think that you are “Stuck at home”, or you can say, “I am safe at home”. You could ignore everything and go outside and stand in a crowd. You could not wash your hands. You could throw all caution to the wind and threaten the collective. However, by staying home, you are choosing to help the community and keep others and yourself safe. That’s amazing! You are safe at home. You are choosing to keep others safe by keeping your distance. Are you really stuck? Or are you choosing the best option available to you? You can also watch this video about being stuck (are you?). You can also choose the term “Sheltering In Place” instead of “Self-Quarantining”!
We are living in a time where we have amazing technology available to us. Can you imagine this pandemic without the internet? Let’s take a second and be grateful for what we have.
Okay, onward to my list of ideas. Be sure to check out additional lists at the bottom of this post.
50 Things to Do When Quarantined At Home
1. Be the host of your favorite game show with stuffed animals or objects as the contestants and audience
2. Lie on your belly on a skateboard and swim through the house (use fabric and objects to create a sea scene)
3. Dress in formal attire to do chores and cook
4. Write positive messages in sidewalk chalk outside
5. Give yourself a makeover as a different person (like how they would give a makeover) or to look like that person (ex: Lady Gaga or Elmer Fudd)
6. Take advantage of all the free trainings being shared online (free at home retreat vibes, anyone?)
7. Parody a music video
8. Have an empowering sexy photoshoot (feel free to feature cleaning products to make it topical)
9. Write letters and postcards to people you love
10. Crumple up newspaper and tissue paper, throw it in the air, and wherever it lands let your imagination wander and decide what shape it looks like (like the Cloud Game)
11. Watch feel-good movies and TV shows that promote happiness instead of fear
12. Create a dance for a song that doesn’t have one
13. Have an indoor scavenger hunt if you have a roommate
14. Fill the bathtub with something like balloons, rubber ducks, or whatever you have a lot of
15. Paint a landscape while blindfolded (extra points if you do it while listening to a Bob Ross video)
16. Dress up your pet and have a photo/video shoot
17. Download free coloring pages and zen out
18. Make a care package for someone you love
19. Clean make-up brushes, fix appliances, organize drawers, etc.
20. Do your best Julia Childs’ impression while cooking and preparing meals
21. Make an altar/refresh your current one (maybe to reflect the current zodiac season, Sabbats, or year season?)
22. Take a short drive to get out of the house and put stuffed animals in the window and/or draw on the windows with window markers
23. Build a time capsule to open up in 5 to 10 years
24. Make a bucket list for things you want to do when this is over (or things you want to do while quarantined)
25. Create window clings or use window markers to improve your view
26. Take an online course to learn something new
27. Reignite romance with someone you love
28. Put a bubble machine on your porch or in your backyard (this way the machine is making the air and not your mouth)
29. Sing karaoke, or just sing really loudly over a song if you don’t have a machine
30. Reorganize things by size, color, or just differently than you had it before
31. Take videos of you dancing, laughing, twerking, etc. in slow motion
32. Make a list of things you realized you took for granted before the pandemic
33. Sing to your plants and tell them positive things
34. Hang up all the art waiting for wall space to shine
35. “Swede” your favorite movie scenes a la “Be Kind Rewind” and post it to social media
36. Share all the positive/good news you can
37. Practice saying positive affirmations with Mirror Work
38. Teach your pet a trick, or yourself a habit
39. Play weird music on top of old cartoons or make up your own dialogue
40. Start a digital game of tic tac toe on Instagram Stories (or on an aquarium with a dry erase marker and a swimming animal)
41. Cover yourself in temporary tattoos and/or wear all your jewelry at once
42. Try to master the art of catching popcorn/cheese puffs in your mouth
43. Learn the alphabet in sign language
44. Bedazzle an accessory
45. Watch a documentary every day
46. Make a zine
47. Play old school sleepover games like Truth Or Dare or Light As A Feather
48. Make a list of people you’ve kissed
49. Make your own eye exam chart with a funny message
50. Take a one second video every day for a long-term montage
As my free gift to you, please download this list of positive affirmations I made specifically for COVID-19. A longer list and many more self-love, personal development, and positive resources are available in my membership group, the Uncustomary Babes. Join now, I’d love to support you through this!
Free Positive Affirmations For COVID-19
What are you doing during this time of sheltering in place? How can I be of help to you? Share what’s working for you below, and please feel free to share this link on your social media!
This list is really helpful. Thanks Mary <3
Damn how many tips! And why not look for a soul mate while resting at home?
I love all of you 50 Things list, but this one is especially important. You are fabulous, Mary!