25 Ways To Celebrate Sagittarius Season

25 Ways To Celebrate Sagittarius Season

Happy Sagittarius Season! Hoo boy, I don’t know about you, but I’m glad to be moving out of Scorpio Season. November is just a tough month for me in general, and Scorpio season adds an extra veil that contributes to my depression and ah! So much to dive...
100 Ways To Reduce Stress

100 Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress is something that affects everyone, and it always will. There are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ types of stress (getting a new job, a loved one dying) that pop up across our life span. Stress, contrast, adversity. Whatever you want to call it. Every...
25 Ways To Celebrate Libra Season

25 Ways To Celebrate Libra Season

We’ve come out from diligent, nurturing, hard-working, get it done Virgo Season, and have officially entered into Libra season! You ready? This is going to be a nice balance (hah! Libra is all about balance) to Virgo’s gung-ho yang energy to Libra’s...
50 Ways To Be Weird

50 Ways To Be Weird

One of my favorite parts of self-love is not only embracing, but celebrating our inner weird… and also celebrating the weird in others! The weird in me is different than the weird in you. The normal in my group of friends might be weird to yours, and vice versa....
25 Ways To Celebrate Virgo Season

25 Ways To Celebrate Virgo Season

We’ve officially moved out of Leo Season and into Virgo Season. You might be scared that this means the death of fun, but I promise it’s not! We had a great time in Leo Season, and you don’t have to let the fun stop, but this is a great time to get...