Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Happy Hat Day! Wear your biggest, brightest, or ugliest hat today, I dare you. This week has had a lot of DC in it! It’s rare that I visit the nation’s capital more often than Baltimore, but that’s just how things have been lately. It’s...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Happy Bubble Bath Day! If you’re being affected by the Polar Vortex, that probably sounds like a good idea! Hot water, bubbles, and a book? A bottle of wine? Could I try knitting in the bathtub? Maybe. Either way, I hope you have a great day. If you’re...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Well hello, there! It’s 2014, and my Weekly Happiness post is on a Thursday. But just today, my dears. There was too much to talk about yesterday! I have a lot to be happy about, and here’s a closer look into the past week. Don’t forget that...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Merry Christmas! I know I said I’d probably go back to celebrating Christmas as normal next year, but I must admit that being finished and relaxed before everyone else is really wonderful! Today, I plan to go to the movies and make art. I hope that everyone has...
How To Be Happy On A Cold Winter Day

How To Be Happy On A Cold Winter Day

From bingo fun to movie marathon With what Maryland has been experiencing lately – the rain, the snow, and the freezing weather – people often end up sulking at home. According to CBS Baltimore, “The pattern has been “active,” no doubt — and temperatures will remain...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

I have important news! Today is Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day! So you obviously need to celebrate. (Bonus points if you answer the phone at your job in this fashion.) I hope you’re having a great week. I’m doing well despite the annual December...