3 Special Ways To Celebrate Christmas This Year

3 Special Ways To Celebrate Christmas This Year

As we are now in the winter months, that means that we are leading up to Christmas! This time of year is special to so many around the world. However, a lot of the time we tend to do the same thing year on year, so, we have come up with three special ways that you can...
National Candy Day

National Candy Day

Every November 4th we get to observe National Candy Day, an unusual holiday I think a lot of us can easily get behind. When I announced it this morning, my boyfriend and roommate were like, “SWEET!” and “Already celebrated!” Hahah. There are a...
Corgi Costumes For Halloween!

Corgi Costumes For Halloween!

You know something is important if I wake up before 9 AM for it. I was at a Halloween party the night before this event and turned in earlier than I wanted to so I could wake up. Joe literally dragged me out of bed, and I kept angrily and groggily saying, “If...
Be Bald And Be Free Day

Be Bald And Be Free Day

Be Bald And Be Free Day is an unusual holiday celebrated every October 14th. I think balding is something that doesn’t get talked about enough in the world of body positivity and has too many pre-conceived notions of negative connotations that go along with it!...
I Love Yarn Day

I Love Yarn Day

I Love Yarn Day is an unusual holiday celebrated every year on the third Saturday in October. If you love yarn, chances are you really love it and you probably have a weird hoarder’s nest of it somewhere in your house. I mean, even when we found my cat’s...
Happy Banana Day!

Happy Banana Day!

Did you know that September 8th is Banana Day? I love bananas a lot, but I actually hate all artificial banana flavors and food with bananas in them. Weird, right? Is anyone else like that? Here are 10 ideas for you to celebrate Banana Day! 1. Put googly eyes on...