50 Ways To Play

50 Ways To Play

It’s extremely important to play, even as adults. Actually, especially as adults. As bad as I am with kids, I have a theory as to why they are generally happy: they play often. I’ve talked about celebrating your weirdness before, but playing doesn’t...
Celebrate Spring!

Celebrate Spring!

Happy Spring, my beautiful friends in the northern hemisphere. It’s such a great time of year! Things begin to get their color back, including our legs that have been hidden under warm pants and leggings all winter long. I’m happy we made it through...
Lessons From A Cat

Lessons From A Cat

One of the things that I admire the most about my cat is that he’s always getting into new things, even though he never leaves the house. Since he was rescued, he’s been a completely indoor cat. Sometimes my dad will carry him outside to wave goodbye to me...
Celebrate February!

Celebrate February!

Happy February! We made it through the first month of 2014, and hopefully it came with a bang! A big, sparkly, inspiring bang! I’d love it if you shared your Top Ten Things about January with me. Here’s mine: February is: Boost Self-Esteem Month Exotic...
Celebrate January!

Celebrate January!

Wooohoo! It’s the new year! 2014! You’ve got this! Claim this year to be your own. Before we move on to January, make sure you take a moment to reflect on December! What were your Top Ten Things about last month? I’d love to hear them. Here are mine....