Ways To Make Money From Your Creativity

Ways To Make Money From Your Creativity

Being trapped in an office cubicle when you’d rather spend time being creative is a motivation-killer. If you have the creative itch, then finding ways to let it become your main source of money is very challenging, but there is good news. In the age of the...
Uncustomary Universe Saleapalooza

Uncustomary Universe Saleapalooza

I know you’re being hit with a ton of Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday sales and offers right now, so I understand the overwhelm. I just wanted to offer you what I can at a severely discounted price the one time a year I allot for it. Shopping...
Three Unusual Ways A Cat Can Improve Your Health

Three Unusual Ways A Cat Can Improve Your Health

The chance of having a heart attack is reduced by nearly a third for cat owners. While feline friends are well-known for their sassy and independent behavior, often having a one-sided relationship with their humans by using them when they want something, it seems that...
How To Stay Calm & Relaxed At The Airport

How To Stay Calm & Relaxed At The Airport

Calm and relaxed are not two words that typically come to mind when discussing airports as these can be highly stressful, busy and chaotic places to spend time. There is often a large number of people quickly trying check in, get through security, get to the departure...