RAOK Round Up

RAOK Round Up

I try to have something on me at all times in the event that an opportunity for performing a random act of kindness presents itself. I make little envelopes for strangers, keep “you are beautiful” stickers in my purse, and tons of crazy and fun stuff in my...
Baltimore Street Art

Baltimore Street Art

Every month, I share street art I’ve found in the city. Sometimes the art is new to Baltimore, but sometimes it’s just new to me. Enjoy a mini tour around Charm City in the way of public art. Murals made of spray paint Metal gates made to be beautiful...
Artscape Flash Mob

Artscape Flash Mob

I still don’t remember how I heard about the flash mob through Dance Baltimore. I think I just saw someone vaguely mention it on Facebook, and I looked into it to find out that practice would be held the following Tuesday, so I wrote it down on the calendar in...
Guest Post: Funism

Guest Post: Funism

I have a special treat for you today! K.P. is here to enlighten you on the Fun she creates in California! She is truly a kindred spirit, and I know you’re going to enjoy what she has to share. Hi, I’m K.P. and I am a fan of Mary and all her shenanigans. It’s my...
Baltimore’s Street Art

Baltimore’s Street Art

I absolutely adore seeing new street art in the city. Sometimes the art itself is new, like this mural from Open Walls in Station North. It’s in an alley, so it’s difficult to get a shot of the whole thing, but it’s so bright and happy. I love it!...
Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller

The first paper folding project I ever learned was the fortune teller. We would make them every day in elementary school, and I never lost my passion for them. Sometimes I will make them at restaurants while we’re waiting for our food, and sometimes I make giant...