Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Happy Wednesday, you gorgeous human! How is your week going? I hope you’re having fun and being productive. This weekend, Cristen and I are going to be selling our art (and crafts) in our tent at a Baltimore street festival called Hampdenfest. If you’re...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

It’s September and it’s still 90 degrees. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but I want to wear boots and hoodies. Or at least have the option so when I wear sleeveless dresses and flip flops people can say, “What is wrong with you, where is...
10 Things Making Me Happy

10 Things Making Me Happy

Hey darling. Guess what? I’ve revamped and cleaned up Inspiration For Your Inbox, and I’m doing a huge sale on it! You can get 30 days of splendor in your inbox for just $6. You can also get it for someone as a gift to cheer them up, and you have the...
10 Things Making Me Happy + A Giveaway

10 Things Making Me Happy + A Giveaway

Hey babes. How’s your week going? Things are alright over here, trying to work my butt off. I’m loving this song by Mumford & Sons, and I’ve been watching a lot of 30 Rock lately. There’s not too much else to report around here! My...
10 Things Making Me Happy

10 Things Making Me Happy

If you’re reading this before 2:45 pm EST on Wednesday, that means there’s still time to donate to my Kickstarter campaign. I am overwhelmed by the kindness, generosity, and support you have shown me specifically in the past month as I raised money to fund...
10 Things Making Me Happy

10 Things Making Me Happy

You’re amazing. All of you. There’s less than seven days left of my Kickstarter, and I can’t thank you enough for the support and love you’ve shown me over the past three weeks. If you feel like doing another round of link shares, that would be...