Weekly Happiness + Giveaway

Weekly Happiness + Giveaway

I’m obviously really excited about the pre-launch of my first e-course. If you missed it, the pre-sale went live yesterday and you can check out the sales page for a discounted price! Get yourself an early present! I believe in this course. Let me know if you...
Weekly Happiness + Giveaway

Weekly Happiness + Giveaway

Hey! Happy December! There’s less than a week till my e-course pre-launches, which is really exciting! Until then, make sure you’re signed up for my totally free e-course on gratitude! This past week has been tough, but fun. This weekend I’m excited...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Hey! How’s life? I’m stressed, but happy at the same time. I’m stressed because I’m doing so much, but they’re all thins I love to do so it’s ultimately a good kind of stressed. I hope you’re doing well! If you’re...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

I’m so sorry for the unexpected quiet! I didn’t realize I wasn’t going to have internet access for the few days I was in Miami, but I’m back now! I flew down to our nation’s almost southernmost point to meet the people of We Love...
Weekly Happiness + A Free E-Course

Weekly Happiness + A Free E-Course

Happy Wednesday, you gorgeous person! I’m really excited to announce the release of my free e-course, “7 Steps To A Grateful Life”! It teaches you how to appreciate and celebrate life over seven lessons. I think you’ll love it! Want to sign up?...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Oh heyyyy. How’s life treating you? I’ve been kind of depressed lately to be completely honest with you, but I’m trying to take care of myself and deal with how I’m feeling as best I can. Today is Candy Day– what’s your favorite...