As I’m writing this, I just kissed the 11:11 tattoo on my finger because that is indeed what time it is. I’ve had a good day, and it’s not quite over. Things have been up and down, with an ear infection, crazy side effects from the medication, a Bipolar episode, financial issues, and blah. But turning the calendar to August was a fresh start I needed and I feel more focused than I have in a long time. I’m blogging every day and making sure that I’m working on my goals every single day, even if it’s just in very small chunks. A little every day is better than nothing! Speaking of that, have you watched my new video on Micromovements? It’s awesome and it comes with two free downloads!
Anyway, today it rained really hard for a big chunk of the afternoon, which threw a kink in our original photoshoot plans. But Joe and I headed out after it stopped/after rush hour with the few hours of daylight we had left. Maura and I are currently taking a photo break so she can spend her free days off work on different creative projects, and we can spend more time intentionally together as friends instead of having to use that time to work together. Don’t worry, she’s still my photographer and she’s not giving up on photography! But we’ll be working together less frequently than twice a month as we have every month for the past three years and some change. This also gives me new opportunities to work off schedule, when I’m inspired, and go on adventures with Joe who is now taking pictures for me. Everything is cool! Just a little update for you. So we got a good amount done until the sun went down, came home, and he cooked us dinner. We watched a couple episodes of NTSF:SD:SUV and now I’m making this post. Soon, I’ll read for 30 minutes, we might watch a movie, I’ll meditate, and go to bed.
Recently I’ve gone to the Have A Nice Day event and visited Clark Elioak’s Farm (they have a new Faerie Forest). Tomorrow, we are going out in search of a Sunflower field, and plan to watch The Addams Family at American Visionary Art Museum’s Flicks On The Hill Night. Saturday is Joe’s birthday, and his Florida friends/band mates are coming up for a few days. We’re planning on going to the Punk Rock Flea Market in New Jersey, and showing them around Baltimore. I’m excited! And next week I have back-to-back meet-ups with some of my favorite creative babes to plan future collaborations and events. Phew! What are you up to?!
Have you checked out these blog posts?
Here’s what I’ve been into lately…
Pictures from last week:
A picnic basket full of rubber duckies (I can’t wait to show you what I did with these!)
Joe and I sitting down to write our Top Ten Things About July lists
Visiting a Faerie Forest
Them really doing their research on faeries
Seeing how happy Joe was to hold a goat his first time
This fire-themed rug
Using rainbow markers an awesome babe lent me at Have A Nice Day
One of the coffee sleeves I made at the Have A Nice Day kindness event
A First Quarter moon in Scorpio at dusk
Finally hanging my Banksy prints (read: getting Joe to) (these are 2 of 4)
The *fattest* bunny I’ve ever seen, his name was Pikachu — look at that neck roll!
Doing some mindfulness journaling
Seeing the gifts I give people being used
Pineapple babes
Pink summer flowers
[Extra Sparkle] * Hibiscus dried flower bits in my water * The episode of Boy Meets World where all the guys dance * Eric Matthew’s Mystery Bag * Looking sincerely at how I can make my goals happen with the rest of 2019 * Halloween decorations in stores * Fresh sheets, blankets, rugs, laundry, and vacuumed floor * THE AIR CONDITIONING GETTING TURNED BACK ON! * Reese Witherspoon’s new dog (seriously go to her Instagram) * Meditating and Tapping every single day * When it feels like the universe is giving you signs * Joe finding $6 on the ground so my smoothie was free * The new seasons of Will And Grace being way more politically correct than the original series * Hearing about other people’s August goals * The purity of dog’s souls * Remembering way more of my insane dreams lately * Whenever I catch 11:11 * Getting some new magazines * Rubbing a heart-shaped Himalayan salt rock that was chilling in the freezer all day all over my skin * Making a lot of plans with people for creative projects * Not paying a copay for my medications * Danny Devito in commercials * Watching It’s Always Sunny on the 14th anniversary of it airing * The idea of ASMR/night time meditations spoken in a soothing, soft voice, but where the content is super inapprioriate * Seeing some friends I don’t get to see often * Finding out I get to meet Joe’s favorite Florida friends this weekend * Animals who do happy dances
Upcoming Unusual Holidays
7 – Lighthouse Day
8 – Cat Day
8 – CBD Day
8 – Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night
9 – Book Lover’s Day
9 – Kool Aid Day
10 – Bowling Day
10 – S’mores Day
10 – Lion Day
12 – Vinyl Record Day
I have watched this loop so many times, this made my day better
— James (@vastidity) August 2, 2019
What’s on your happiness list this week?