by Uncustomary | Jun 10, 2015 | Happiness
Last week, I scheduled myself for way too many things. The events themselves were amazing, and totally worthwhile, but it sent me into a swirl of anxiety that I’m having a hard time getting out of. I went to the doctor, and today I’m heading to the dentist...
by Uncustomary | Jun 2, 2015 | Happiness
Happy June!We’re almost half way through the year, and I like to take this month to revisit my goals and success for the year in between all the partying I do, because so many of my close friends have birthdays in June, including myself! I’m feeling a real...
by Uncustomary | Apr 16, 2015 | Activism, Street Art
Random acts of kindness are extremely important to me. You really never know when you could be the restoration in someone’s faith in humanity. I try to do as many as possible. I make a point to not put my name on everything I leave out, or even take pictures of...
by Uncustomary | Dec 29, 2014 | Street Art
In 2011, I signed up for a 365 Days Of Mail Art project, and it kind of changed my life. First of all, even though I had been sending snail mail for years, I barely had any prior experience with mail art, and it forced me to learn as I went. It was also incredibly...
by Uncustomary | Oct 30, 2014 | Street Art
Halloween is a good opportunity for some themed street art! I started with a simple orange and (poofy) black yarnbomb that I installed on a speed limit sign. It was the closest I’d ever been to getting stopped by a cop while doing an installation (he slowed the...