Miscellaneous Street Art

Miscellaneous Street Art

My street art projects have definitely become less frequent. The past couple months have made it hard for me to find inspiration or just general motivation to complete something. On top of that, I’m working towards the deadline of my birthday to finish my goals,...
Making Federal Hill Fancy

Making Federal Hill Fancy

Earlier this week, the wonderful Post Muse sent me a fifteen pound box of wonder. It had things that she thought would be good for my street art. She was right! I was immediately inspired, and made little packages to leave around for people. There was a lot of stuff...


More stickers to peruse. I need to order another roll for my sticker maker. Things over here are getting out of control.     More stickers Spread The Love: Sticker Edition


Last weekend I did some stickering, on my way to the next thing. I’m really (still) loving my sticker machine that Matt bought me (and then Karen sent me another one!). It’s a great way to turn pretty papers, that I don’t know what to do with, into...