by Uncustomary | May 30, 2014 | Creativity
I consider myself lucky to have been born when I was. I got to experience what it was like to live before everything was digitized. We had sleepovers without YouTube, memorized our friends’ phone numbers, and the closest thing we had to smart phones were the...
by Uncustomary | Nov 9, 2013 | Street Art
I consider the beginning of my street art adventures to be my first yarnbombing, but the truth is, I was doing guerrilla art even before that. I used to buy blank sheets of labels and write on them. When my friends didn’t have any ideas for what to do that day,...
by Uncustomary | Sep 5, 2013 | Street Art
My street art bag always has something in it, such as gifts to leave for strangers or stickers to place on poles. Sometimes projects are relatively small, therefore they don’t warrant their own post. Miscellaneous Street Art is a feature I will post periodically...
by Uncustomary | Jul 13, 2013 | Street Art
Very close to my house, is a fountain that I used to play in as a kid. I think it’s one of the few beautiful things in my city (which is why I very much wish I lived in Baltimore).Over the years the area has transformed and now it’s home to one of the...
by Uncustomary | Jun 24, 2013 | Street Art
I had a revelation, of sorts, when I was walking around Federal Hill park one day. Whenever I post stickers to poles, signs, etc. I always just do one on each object. I guess that’s because that’s just what I’ve always seen done. Many people who are...