My street art projects have definitely become less frequent. The past couple months have made it hard for me to find inspiration or just general motivation to complete something. On top of that, I’m working towards the deadline of my birthday to finish my goals, including the 100 Ways list. Although I’m still being creative, it’s in different outlets.I’m very much looking forward to my birthday. Not just because I’m turning 25, or I’m going to a pirate party in Philadelphia where they play 90’s music all night long, but because it begins a new time period. A blank slate for me to work off of. And I’m more excited for this blank slate than all blank slates before it.
Anyway! I want to share some of the projects that I have done. None of them are very elaborate, so they all get to share a post.
party bench
promoting guerilla gardening, passing along a gift I received
destroy art! idea stolen from Michelle
fortune teller tree
lonely pom pom
art abandonment from the Artbomb Party
I made a bunch of sticky notes with activity ideas on them, and encouraged strangers to take one/complete the task.
cork dude
a pill box full of trinkets
a mask to color in with some crayons
stickering in Chicago (thus becoming an interstate street artist)