Monday Mailings

Monday Mailings

Oh hey, Monday! Today is Celebrate The Mind Day, and what better way to do that than by making mail! Write a letter, send a postcard, or ship a box of goodies to your best friend. Care packages don’t need to be saved for when your daughter is having a miserable...
Monday Mailings

Monday Mailings

I’m back! Did you miss me? Oh, you didn’t know I left? That’s okay. Happy Monday, anyway! It’s time to showcase some of the mail that’s been in and out of my mailbox. I hope you’ve been having happy mail days. Although, I’m...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Happy Wednesday! It’s also One Hit Wonder Day. What’s your favorite one hit wonder? I’m partial to “Save Tonight” by Eagle-Eye Cherry. I hope you’re having a great week. I feel like my inspiration and motivation have been renewed,...
Monday Mailings

Monday Mailings

Even though I don’t have much to show for it in terms of outgoing, this past week has been all about mail. Especially this weekend, when I got to go to the Correspondence Salon at the Postal Museum (stay tuned!) and participate in the mail art social at Analog....