I’m back! Did you miss me? Oh, you didn’t know I left? That’s okay. Happy Monday, anyway! It’s time to showcase some of the mail that’s been in and out of my mailbox. I hope you’ve been having happy mail days. Although, I’m sure it couldn’t be as happy as the day I received my love postcard from my boyfriend, Ben Franklin.
A giant postcard from Erica, beautiful card from Nicole, and complimentary zine from Ann-Marie
Look at all that fun! Great postcards, mail art, and letters
Even more! Do you see that envelope with my address written largely and the big bird? I saw Melissa writing that to me when we were at the Correspondence Salon.
Bug always has to inspect the giant red boxes Karen sends me… he approved this one (thank god, there was a lot of fun stuff in it!)
Lots of outgoing from the Correspondence Salon
Letters I wrote on the plane!
I’m sad that the US Postal Museum isn’t open right now as a result of the government shut down. I’m really glad I got to see the Stamp Gallery before that happened, though. I’m also grateful that the postal service didn’t shut down! I would be very upset if that happened. (Not that I’m thrilled about the way the government is handling itself in general right now. Boo.)
The registration for October’s Monthly Marvels has ended, but you can still sign up for November!
What’s been in your mailbox lately?
“I saw Melissa writing that to me when we were at the Correspondence Salon.”
You told me you didn’t see anything. LIAR.