Even though I don’t have much to show for it in terms of outgoing, this past week has been all about mail. Especially this weekend, when I got to go to the Correspondence Salon at the Postal Museum (stay tuned!) and participate in the mail art social at Analog. It’s always great to be around mail enthusiasts. I find it to be a very natural and cozy environment to be in. Before I get into any of that, though, check out what’s been in an out of my mailbox recently.
A SARK postcard from Marguerite and an ice cream sandwich from Bonnie Jeanne
Now onto the mail art social, hosted graciously by Melissa. The tables were covered in stationery, rubber stamps, and wine glasses. Eager hands constantly reached across the table to get more supplies. I wrote a bunch of postcards and became a little fan-girl when Jennie Hinchcliff arrived. As Melissa let Jennie in the door, I threw my hair in my face and exclaimed: “Everyone be nonchalant!”
Me, Kim, Jennie, Greg, Melissa, Bonnie Jeanne, and Anne.
And all you hardcore mailers out there, don’t forget to book your plane tickets and hotel rooms for the Postal Extravaganza in San Francisco on Valentine’s Day. I’ll be there!
Since I sent that star to you (pictured first) 600 years ago, I can only assume that it lost its way and went to space first.
It wasn’t sure where it truly belonged.
These type of posts are always so fun to see.
“What is this, a French book of depressing photos?” -Kim
DUDE! I’m going to San Francisco too! very exciting.
I’m heading to San Fran for XPF, too! Looking forward to the mail art mania that will ensue!