

For me, stickering and posting flyers is a really fun and easy form of street art. I never really do anything bigger than a sheet of paper, but recently, I’ve received a few packages from penpals that have included some awesome poster sized images. I decided...
Pterodactyl Feathers

Pterodactyl Feathers

I’ve always liked dinosaurs. When I was a kid I watched Fantasia six times a week, and if anyone was talking during the dinosaur scene, I threw a fit. “Land Before Time” and “We’re Back” were other movies that frequented my VCR, and...
Yarnbombed Pyramid

Yarnbombed Pyramid

One of my goals for 2013 was to do three elaborate yarnbombs. I’ve done a good amount of yarnbombing so far this year, but nothing that I counted as “good enough” to be towards this goal.   This project took me quite a while, and because of that I am...
Where Are You Going?

Where Are You Going?

I’ve mentioned that some of my favorite installations to do are interactive. This one is so simple, but it made me really happy to read the results. Oh, PS – if you’re showing this post to a kid.. don’t. There’s a penis (drawing).  ...
Operation: Pass Out Postcards

Operation: Pass Out Postcards

In lieu of a regular Monday Mailings post, I’m going to share a RAOK project I did this weekend. I took the cardboard inserts that come with USPS stamp orders and made postcards. They were all either just a giant image or a simple collage. I added labels for...