One of my goals for 2013 was to do three elaborate yarnbombs. I’ve done a good amount of yarnbombing so far this year, but nothing that I counted as “good enough” to be towards this goal.
This project took me quite a while, and because of that I am counting it! One third done with my yarnbombing goal! I’m already working on the second one. 🙂
I weighed down regular cardboard boxes by putting big rocks in them. I taped them up and knitted sides for each one. Then, I sewed all the sides together and yay! The colors are haphazard. Absolutely no theme. Just what I felt like using at the time.
This can be found near the light rail station on Mount Royal Avenue, near MICA and my old tree yarnbomb.
I hope it brings some smiles to people walking or riding by.