Uncustomary Turns 30

Uncustomary Turns 30

I always admired my grandmother, Nannie, for a lot of reasons. One of them was she never lied or cared about her age. If anyone ever wanted to know her age, at any stage of her life, she would flat out tell them. It didn’t matter to her. It was a number that...
How Quitting Smoking Makes You Happier

How Quitting Smoking Makes You Happier

vap Quitting smoking is one of the most precious services you can do for your health. The moment you finish the last cigarette, your body starts to repair and regenerate itself. But it is not only your body that benefits from a smoke-free life. When you refuse from...
Bringing A Rescue Dog Into Your Home

Bringing A Rescue Dog Into Your Home

When you are thinking about bringing a new dog into your home, you might initially think about having a new puppy that you can get from a breeder or perhaps a friend. However, as cute and cuddly as they are, there are many more loving dogs that get taken to the rescue...
Cutest Cat Breeds In The World

Cutest Cat Breeds In The World

Cats are human’s number one pet. They are meek, humble and will always make a great companion. They may not have the aggression or the masculinity of dogs, and you can also not rely on them for protection at night or to alert you to the presence of intruders in your...
Blessing Box

Blessing Box

Last month, I was at an amazing event called KarmaFest. I mentioned my favorite part probably being the Blessing Box, but I didn’t go into detail because I felt like it deserved its own post because of how deeply it affected me. So let me tell you what happened!...