The Road To Inner Peace

The Road To Inner Peace

The modern world is not conducive to peace of mind. We’re continually being bombarded by things both inside out minds and out there in the world that disrupt our inner peace and lead us into a state of panic, confusion, sadness, emptiness, fear, and worry. Take the...
Vinyl Record Day

Vinyl Record Day

Every year on August 12th, we’re reminded of the way albums were originally introduced into the world… via vinyl records. As much as people hate on it for it being a “hipster” thing to do, I really think it’s great that we’re...
5 Signs You May Benefit From Energy Healing

5 Signs You May Benefit From Energy Healing

Have you been feeling stuck in life, at work, or in your relationships? Do you find it hard to focus on things, or feel tired all the time? If so, you may need an energy cleansing session. Blocked, stuck, or stale energy can wreak havoc in your body and mind. This...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

As I’m writing this, I just kissed the 11:11 tattoo on my finger because that is indeed what time it is. I’ve had a good day, and it’s not quite over. Things have been up and down, with an ear infection, crazy side effects from the medication, a...