This week has been incredible. I met Joe’s family for the first time, hung out outside under the Cherry Blossoms all day Monday, and got caught up on a ton of mail. One of the weirdest things that happened to me, though, was one evening I was grabbing dinner at Johnny Rad’s.

Cristen, Joe, and I were waiting for Charles to join us and he was taking forever (because apparently you do not hang up the phone on a Jewish mother) and Joe stepped outside. Almost a minute after that, an Easter Bunny walked into the restaurant. I didn’t think anything of it, but I said, “Oh man, I am going to DANCE with that bunny!”, and Cristen got out her phone. The bunny said hi to the tables at the front of the restaurant and then made its way towards me, which is when I was handed an envelope.

I opened it up and the note card inside said “I really enjoyed you sitting on my lap at Bass Pro Shop last week, and I wanted to see if you would continue the date with me tonight“. I said yes, completely flabbergasted. I thought that Joe was up to something, but then he walked back in, just as confused as I was. I followed the bunny outside, creeped out but ready for anything. It turns out it was April (I should have guessed), who just happens to have the exact same costume as the bunny from Bass Pro Shop, and was in cahoots with Cristen the whole evening to find out my whereabouts. My friends are super cool. (You guys should “like” her Facebook page if you haven’t yet. She deserves all the love.)

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
1. surprise visits from the Easter Bunny

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
2. how beautiful nature’s patterns are

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
3. my nails against Joe’s new leggings

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
4. people-watching tourists

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
5. gorgeous views on the Tidal Basin

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
6. dressing for the occasion

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
7. cheap thrill rides at the arcade

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
8. twinkle lighting

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
9. puppies on walks on gorgeous days

10 Things Making Me Happy | Uncustomary Art
10. Joe’s niece letting me use her awesome bubble gun

Don’t forget to mail Charles your questions! And please share what’s on your happy list in the comments below. I really want to know.

Photo Credit: 1. Cristen Hoyt; 2. Melissa Esposito