Hi gorgeous! One of the most exciting things that happened to me since I last checked in was that my favorite author, SARK, followed me on Instagram! I flipped out. And then things escalated. I got to talk to her face to face on a Zoom video call. She called my spirit “Incandescent”. I had a mini intellectual orgasm and ran downstairs to get poster board and laid it out on the ground with markers like a kid and wrote her quote super big and hung it on my wall to see every day. She’s commented on my post about the poster board. It’s been really incredible. It was really validating for a lot of reasons that I explain here, and one of the things she told me was that I’m no longer allowed to use fear (about money or scarcity) to now be creative. SARK HAS SPOKEN!
So that’s been really inspiring. I’ve also been listening to a lot of podcasts, and had two big realizations. 1) We truly can’t multitask effectively and 2) Working for myself and having so much time and too many options is total anarchy and not in the cool way. I need to focus, structure, and give myself deadlines before they are actually due. I talk more about that here.
I also got to attend Light City! It was amazing! (Read why here.) Honestly the first 10 pictures in this post are from that night. It was a good night, and I felt total awe, play, and innocence. That’s something I really aspire to re-tap into as I keep going and growing.
I’ve been trying to adopt the Improv Comedy ideology of saying “Yes, and…” to life. This led me to repurposing some balloons my friend, April, had used to celebrate someone’s birthday and make a balloon guerrilla art installation with some positive signs! See that here!
We are out of Scorpio Season and moving into adventurous, joyful, optimistic Sagittarius Season! And don’t forget that Wolfenoot is tomorrow! What are you up to?
Here’s what I’ve been into lately…
Pictures from last week:
Turning the horse carried produce cart into installations
Making this light up with my movements
Beautiful stilt walkers
Powering up this jellyfish by riding this bike in my light up shoes
Joe and I holding up geometric shapes to a reflector to make this pattern on the World Trade Center building
The Inner Harbor all lit up
Walking through mushrooms
Not knowing what’s real
This amazing technology that captured our photo like this
How happy I was at the disco bug in my rainbow coat
Jack the squirrel eating my pumpkins, he is so fat and I love him
SARK calling my spirit “incandescent” and me making it into a poster on the floor
…and then hanging it on my wall
Stores knowing ducks are so hot right now
Practicing better skin care
That Natty Boh sign winking at us
Hosting a huge swap at my house and things finding good homes, especially with April’s 4-year-old daughter (because I have the taste of a child) and she now calls my home the House Store, which is very accurate and Charlie Kelly of her
The super amazing Date Night Special at Dangerously Delicious Pies (2 pieces of pie each plus a salad and drink for only $22)
Extra Sparkle: * April’s daughter bringing a shopping cart per my recommendation to “shop” at the Swap I hosted and getting so many treasures * Driving through McDonalds to get one slice of cheese * Voxer gratitude messages * Having an entire room of people do the LetterKenny “To Be Faiirrrrr” * Cleansing my crystals * Watching so many documentaries * Praying to Iris * The name “Zsa” showing up so much like an Angel number and then looking up the meaning and origin * Disney Plus (I watched Duck Tales and Lizzie McGuire first) * Wearing supportive socks for the first time * Checking out the Impact Hub coworking space * Having strangers attracted to me and giving me positive vibes * Showing Joe “Funky Cold Medina” * Kneeling at a Pie Confessional * Getting ONE bank issue on track! * Doing yoga to strengthen and stretch my neck/shoulders/upper back * Talking about what soundtrack Joe would drive a Zamboni to (the answer is Polka) * How much love my “Pee After Sex” post got * Being reminded we’re on the same team and solving problems together
Upcoming Unusual Holidays
18 – Apple Cider Day
18 – Occult Day
19 – Entrepreneurship Day
19 – Toilet Day
20 – Transgender Day Of Remembrance
21 – Hello Day
21 – Television Day
22 – Mother Goose Day
22 – Random Acts Of Kindness Friday
23 – Wolfenoot
24 – Celebrate Your Unique Talents Day
25 – Hat Day
25 – Jukebox Day
25 – Parfait Day
26 – New Moon Sagittarius
Warning: This video compilation is hilarious, but isn’t safe for work!