Hi! I can’t believe we’re at the end of May already. A lot is coming up for me in my personal and professional life. Let’s focus on professional for now:
- The Bubble Parade is happening this Sunday! Come if you’re local!
- I’m part of an amazing online event about embracing your inner child. Come reserve your spot now!
- I’ll be speaking at a Body Positive event where we’ll be screening “Embrace” and doing an expert panel after. There’s only 30 tickets available, so grab yours now!
Here’s what I’ve been into lately…
Pictures from last week:
Pinwheel displays
Warm, green drives
First swim of the season at the Secret Spot
Going through stuff on my dad’s porch
Memorial Day set up (section 1)
Memorial Day set up (section 2)
Blowing bubbles
Sharing the Secret Spot with Maura and Alan
Eating healthier, and Joe making me dinner
Beautiful flowers
Playing the Cloud Game with Maura
My neighbor’s adorable plant set up (one of many)
Joe always managing to catch the ice cream truck
Rainbow flowers
[Extra Sparkle] * Eating really healthy, delicious foods like southwestern salads, shrimp sushi, tofu salads, rainbow hummus wraps, vegan burgers, etc. * Meeting my step goals on my pedometer multiple days in a row * Getting the Awesome Tier surprise packages done and all the stuff for the Gemini Moon goody bags * GPS deciding to take us on the scenic route * $5 day at Smoothie King * Relaxation playlist * People receiving packages I sent * Seeing GOOD news * Super soft shirts and flowy skirts * Joe wearing a tiara on Tiara Day (and other times) * How much Gemini energy there was immediately * Getting a handwritten thank you note in the mail from an Uncustomary Awesome Tier Babe * Being bottomless * How my skin feels after swimming in fresh water * Watching beautiful heat lightning * My easy ability to tell strangers to mind their own business * 600 protesters overwhelming the KKK who tried to protest in Ohio * Finishing off my summer decor at my house * S’mores bar for dessert * Joe combing the mustache adhesed the the car dashboard * Watching Joe play with Pogs and Legos * Movie night at Leigh’s, watching “Grosse Point Blank” * Leigh letting me borrow her duck call so I can lure in the neighborhood ducks * Talking about color blindness vs. Synesthesia * The snap of a bottle cap opening (and Joe letting me open his Snapple for him and me savoring that moment oh so much) * Watermelon picnic basket and matching blanket * Sneaking up on a group of teenagers who were also trespassing and whisper yelling at them to shut the fuck up because I’ve been coming here for ten years and I’m not getting caught because they don’t know how to trespass properly (so funny)
Upcoming Unusual Holidays
30 – Creativity Day
30 – Water A Flower Day
31 – Macaroon Day
1 – Black Bear Day
1 – Go Barefoot Day
1 – Nailpolish Day
1 – Say Something Nice Day
2 – Animal Rights Day
2 – Gun Violence Awareness Day
2 – Rocky Road Day
3 – Leave The Office Early Day
3 – Bicycle Day
4 – Hug Your Cat Day
4 – Cheese Day