Hello beautiful! Happy May, May Day, and Beltane! I just finished my Top Ten Things About April list on the worksheet that gets shared every month in the Uncustomary Babes membership group. And speaking of the group, I’m so thrilled with all the new members who joined before the price went up! I can’t wait for you to get your membership cards. ๐Ÿ™‚

This week, I’ve been celebrating a lot of unusual holidays, I saw Endgame, I’ve been thinking about decorating for Summer, I’ve been hanging out with friends, and I got to see the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra for free. I don’t know if you know this about me, but I have Synesthesia, and I knew that hearing multiple string instruments at once gave me tingly feelings on my arm, but I haven’t really been to see a full on orchestra since I knew I had Synesthesia, and holy crap it completely threw me with how intense my experience was. Joe explained what I was doing during the performance and he, Laura, and Darian were just watching me the entire time. He said, “I was the movie, and the orchestra was the soundtrack”.

I cried the entire time, I closed my eyes, I wobbled around, I moaned audibly, I sunk deep into my seat, I smiled, I made weird faces, and at one point it looked like I was riding a roller coaster. It was extremely intense and beautiful, and I’m so grateful for the experience. But it definitely was draining! I think it’s something I could maybe do twice a year, tops, but I also can’t believe it’s taken me this long to try it out!

Here’s what I’ve been into lately…

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary

Pictures from last week:

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Classical carnival tents

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Lemon-shaped lemonade stands

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Carnival lights

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
The one time of year I wear denim: Denim Day

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Very supportive linens at a department store

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Seeing “Endgame” and getting a ton of popcorn (using a gift card!)

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Visiting Pierces Park

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Seeing the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and having it affect my Synesthesia so strongly I was crying and dissociated the entire time

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Making friends with a dog in traffic

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Celebrating Alien Day, Arbor Day, and Pretzel Day all at once

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Blue velvet shoes amidst the pink petals

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
A many playing a drum while walking his dog

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
So many new puppy friends

[Extra Sparkle] * Having a day to myself to rechrge and relax in my own way * Driving around in the nice weather listening to Red City Radio blasting in my car with the wind in my hair that hasn’t been cut in almost a year * *Stretching muscles that got sore doing good deeds * Having a fully functional front door again * Rolling rose water on my face with a jade crystal, and then putting a frozen eye mask on while I meditated to Abraham Hicks * Meeting a 4-month old puppy * ALL the new babes signing up for the membership group * The inspiration I get from Parks And Recreation characters * Joe cleaning a cut I got while we were pucking up trash * Videos of the ocean put to music on Netflix * How different I am than last year me (not putting up with bullshit) * Getting a carnival corn dog

Upcoming Unusual Holidays

1 – Batman Day
1 – Beltane
1 – May Day
1 – Mother Goose Day
3 – Garden Meditation Day
3 – Two Different Colored Shoes Day
4 – Free Comic Book Day
4 – Naked Gardening Day
4 – Star Wars Day
5 – Lemonade Day
5 – Astronaut Day
5 – Laughter Day
6 – No Diet Day
7 – Tourism Day

What’s on your happiness list this week?