I’m really sorry things have been kind of quiet around here. Not a ton of great content from me in the past week, I know. I did post a fun video compilation, though! And I’d love your opinion on what the best Bug Photo of 2014 is!
As I mentioned yesterday, between glitter pills blowing up on the internet and the best Christmas party ever, I’ve been stretched pretty thin. But in between all that I’ve had the chance to get my picture taken with Santa… ahem, Eiffel Tower him with Charlotte.
I did my first bench press, and added a little spin to it. Basically, if you’re not lifting weights in a straddle, you’re doing it wrong.
Extra Sparkle: my best friends coming over on a Sunday to help me handle all my Etsy order, knowing full well they were going to leave with more glitter on them than they usually get on them when they hang out with me figuring out who each of us would be if we were in famous foursomes (Mean Girls, The Craft, Girls, etc.) taking my bra off while driving the exchange of I love yous making out in a ball pit/room full of balloons doing a lip sync performance to a parody song of “Candy Shop”/”Comic Shop” strangers joining in our “Marco Polo” game in Walmart wearing elf shoes that jingle a surprise indoor snowball fight holiday flash mob practice running into Brad when I needed a hug making holiday mix CDs for Joe’s roommates Joe making us pasta and pretending Charles was our butler watching the monument tree lighting and fireworks on TV shopping spree with Michelle touching inflatable Santa’s chest taking the push notifications off my phone bartender wearing a skort group singing and dancing half naked to “My Girl” rushing the stage during a karaoke performance catching up with Jason as we ate the spaghetti he cooked me ordering a giant pile of nachos to split with Cristen when (Charlotte’s) Jason shoved a dollar bill in my cleavage as I was dancing seeing photos of me in a state of pure joy and ecstasy making strippers uncomfortable with unexpected eye contact
On my way home from Michelle’s in Virginia I drove in the HOV lane because I had six of my Friends with me. It’s good to know you’re not alone.
Have a beautiful day, darlings. What’s on your happiness list this week?
PSSSSST. Fill out my reader survey for me?