When I was nineteen, I was trying to adjust to my new shape. I had been gaining weight drastically because of the medications I was taking to make myself feel better and less symptomatic, and all of a sudden most of my clothes didn’t fit. The clothes I was able to find that fit me at first weren’t as loud, colorful, or fun as I wanted my personal style to be. It started getting depressing, and I was really bummed that it seemed impossible to express myself with fashion because there weren’t as many options for plus size clothing.
After a few Google searches, I found We Love Colors. I was enticed by the name, range of sizes, and extreme diversity of bright colors but I was still skeptical as I am with anything I buy online without being able to see in person. When they finally arrived in my mailbox, I ran upstairs to put them on. They fit perfectly and were so bright! I wore them to work that week and got about a dozen compliments in one day.
I still have those two pairs of tights eight years later, they’ve been with me on many adventures and have held up remarkably well. I’ve worn them while I’ve sat on concrete, rolled in flower beds, and done cartwheels. There’s  a little hole in the crotch, but that’s it after all this time.
When We Love Colors found me after I used their hashtag on an Instagram post through the Dress The Rainbow project, I was ecstatic. I’m so happy to be working with them, and they’re already providing me with opportunities to spread the love to you. I recently received a big box full of “imperfect tights”. These are tights that came off the line with a little run or tiny hole in them. Stuff that they obviously couldn’t send to a paying customer because they have high standards of quality and satisfaction, but the imperfections are so minuscule that you’d honestly never notice.
Everything in life is imperfect which is what makes it beautiful. I’d like to offer you the opportunity to get a free pair of these imperfect tights for yourself! Here’s the deal:
Step 1) Figure out what size you are.
S/M – Height 4’11” – 5’5″ – Weight 90-135 lbs.
M/L – Height 5’5″ – 5’11” – Weight 135-168 lbs.
A/B – Height 4’11” – 5’5″ – Weight 160-220 lbs.
C/D – Height 5’5″ – 6’0″ – Weight 215-275 lbs.
E – Height 5’5″ – 6’0″ – Weight 270-325 lbs.
EE – Height 5’5″ – 6’0″ – Weight 320-375 lbs.
(I’m a C/D and can also wear E, if that gives you a frame of reference.)
Step 2) Agree that upon receiving your new tights, you’ll:
+ Put them on and take a picture of you wearing them to post to social media (either Facebook or Instagram). The picture can be of just your legs or your whole body (but I’d love to see your whole body/outfit).
+ Use #WeLoveColorsUSA and/or #WeLoveColorsCurvy in your post.
+ Write one thing you love about yourself in the caption.
(All of this will be laid out in instructions in your package.)
Step 3) Pay for shipping.
As much as I would love for these tights to appear on your front doorstep with no additional cost to you, postage and shipping supplies aren’t free and I don’t have the funds to bank roll that. To get your tights in the US it will cost you $3.40 and Internationally it’ll be $9.50.
(Keep in mind that if you were ordering these tights directly you’d be paying $12-15 + $5 for US shipping and $12-15 + $15 for International shipping.)
Additional Info:
+ I have a variety of sizes, but there are some I have less of than others. I’m going to try to make everyone as happy as possible with their new tights, but if I run out of your size before you sign up, I will ask if another size would work and refund your shipping money if not.
+ I will also try to make you as happy as I can with color options, but know you might not get your first choice.
+ Only the first 50 people to sign up will get tights.
+ The person with my favorite photo will get an extra prize from me mailed to them.
Also, it’s not required, but it would be really great if you could “like” We Love Colors and/or We Love Colors Curvy on Facebook! They’re so cool for doing this!
Update as of 2:43 EST
All fifty slots have been filled. I didn’t expect it to go that quickly, but it did! Sorry if you missed it! Stay tuned for more giveaways with We Love Colors soon, and follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more updates!
Now I’m torn between buying food or getting a pair of tights, as my money is tight at the moment. Do you think it’s “safe” for me to wait until Monday?
Well, all 50 slots are definitely going to be filled today. There’s only 4 slots left right now. But buy food, girl! That’s more important. And I’m sure I’ll be doing more giveaways.
You’re right, food is more important, but it was a tempting offer though. đ
but OOPS I accidentally had it on the wrong “Ship To” address. Can I message you on Facebook with my real address?
xoxo you ROCK
Haha yes
This is cool, I am interested, but I’m unsure what size to ask for. I’m about 5’9″ and vary from 180-190 lbs usually. Probably C/D?
I actually think you’d be A/B.
Thanks for your reply, looks like I was too slow to act in the end, lol. That’s OK, good job giving the people what they want! I’ll know where to buy tights when I need them in the future.
2:30 PM EST: There’s only 3 slots left!
I am really excited!
What color green is that? i have some $ to burn and i like that color đ
Olive Green!
I would love a pair or two. But I’m 205 and 5’9. Would the E work or be too big?
Oops c/d
Unfortunately, all the spaces have been filled for the giveaway as of this afternoon as I edited above. But if you want to buy a pair for yourself, I’d recommend A/B for you because my friend is a few less pounds than you and just an inch smaller and she fits well into an A/B.