Making Federal Hill Fancy

Making Federal Hill Fancy

Earlier this week, the wonderful Post Muse sent me a fifteen pound box of wonder. It had things that she thought would be good for my street art. She was right! I was immediately inspired, and made little packages to leave around for people. There was a lot of stuff...
Artbomb Party

Artbomb Party

I want to share some pictures from the Artbomb Party we had at Sailor and Dre’s. I had a very good time, and left with tinsel in my hair. We all decided to make a bunch of little things that we would leave around for people to find. We took everything we made,...
Guerrilla Gardening

Guerrilla Gardening

One of my goals for 2013 was to do some guerrilla gardening. Guerrilla gardening is basically just planting flowers and plants in unexpected places. You can see some awesome examples here and here. I went to the thrift store and bought a few containers that could be...
Pterodactyl Feathers

Pterodactyl Feathers

I’ve always liked dinosaurs. When I was a kid I watched Fantasia six times a week, and if anyone was talking during the dinosaur scene, I threw a fit. “Land Before Time” and “We’re Back” were other movies that frequented my VCR, and...
Operation: Pass Out Postcards

Operation: Pass Out Postcards

In lieu of a regular Monday Mailings post, I’m going to share a RAOK project I did this weekend. I took the cardboard inserts that come with USPS stamp orders and made postcards. They were all either just a giant image or a simple collage. I added labels for...