by Uncustomary | Jan 7, 2020 | Lists
My Top 5 Lists Of 2019 Accomplishments + TV Interview on WJZ about me and what I do + The big, strict boundaries I created for friends, family, romance, living arrangements, self-care, events, my job, my generosity, etc. + Handling and surviving the most difficult...
by Uncustomary | Dec 30, 2019 | Lists
It’s very important to make time for reflecting on the past year before we move into the next one. You can even do your reflection the first week of January, it doesn’t really matter, the point is that you do it! And that doesn’t mean you stall out...
by Uncustomary | Mar 29, 2019 | Self-Love
On March 30th every year, there is an unusual holiday that is not necessarily very “lighthearted”, but we still get the chance to observe it because it’s pretty important. It’s World Bipolar Day. Bipolar Disorder affects 5.7 million people just...
by Uncustomary | Jan 21, 2019 | Magic
First of all, if you don’t believe in magick, universal connection, astrology, or whatever that is OKAY. Second of all, if you just started learning about any of it yesterday, that doesn’t make you less cool, evolved or enlightened. The idea is that more and more...
by Uncustomary | Dec 14, 2018 | Snail Mail
I had a relationship this year that would seem like a blip on the map to most people, but it definitely made a significant impact on me and clearly continues to affect my cognition and choices. This relationship was not one that was offered with a nice gift of...