Monthly Dose Of Bug

Monthly Dose Of Bug

Firstly — it’s the end of November! Ah. Make sure you send me your Top Ten Things About November lists today. I have a contact form now that you can submit them on, if you like. Make today...
Bug Missed You

Bug Missed You

I haven’t given you a post full of Bug, the Bugmeister, since August. I apologize. I can assure you, though, that he has been up to no good since then… but in the best way.He has been preparing for Halloween, by making sure spider rings for my coworkers...
Monthly Dose Of Bug

Monthly Dose Of Bug

Bug has recently taken a fancy to a glittery pink microphone (he’s writing an album), attempted to take a walk, found treasures among my trash, claimed my foot, and shared my love for tutus. I love that little guy.