Bug Photos: A Vote

Bug Photos: A Vote

Later this month, I will be sharing lots of Top Five lists about 2013. One of the categories is “Bug Photos”, and to be completely honest, I need help! I have narrowed it down to these ten pictures, but I really need to get it down to five. So I’m...
Bug The Cat

Bug The Cat

And now, what you’ve been waiting for all month. I know that you guys only put up with me so you can see a bunch of pictures of my cat once a month. I don’t blame you, though. He’s the best. Bug wants to… wish you a Happy Thanksgiving have his...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

You guys! Guess what today is?? It’s World Kindness Day! This is a big and important holiday to celebrate. I’ve been spending the past week revving up and doing related projects, which I will be sharing tomorrow. I would love to hear what you decide to do...
Bug The Bat

Bug The Bat

You may have heard the news about Bug being illiterate, but lucky for you.. that just means two posts about the best cat ever in one week! Bug is ready to share his costume with you. He’s a bat this year. He wanted to make sure I told you guys that he would...
Funny Faces Of Bug

Funny Faces Of Bug

I’m going to make a point of sharing photos of my cat, Bug, once a month. He’s got a lot of personality and we share a lot of interests. If this is your first introduction to Bug, you won’t be disappointed. Today, I’m sharing a collection of...