I’m going to make a point of sharing photos of my cat, Bug, once a month. He’s got a lot of personality and we share a lot of interests. If this is your first introduction to Bug, you won’t be disappointed. Today, I’m sharing a collection of his funny faces.
I hope that put you in a good mood, if you weren’t already in one. It is Friday, after all! Any plans for the weekend?
The one above the wink where he’s like “are you serious, mary” is my favorite.
GREAT shots! What a beauty he is. Looks kinda like my BeeGee, ‘cept Beeg has white on him and might be darker all over than Bug. BeeGee has his own blog, here ~ http://beegeecat.blogspot.com. Have a great weekend!
I love the 2nd shot! That face is too much!
each one funnier than the last