What Are You Grateful For?

What Are You Grateful For?

Remember when I was so super excited that I couldn’t wait to dance until I got home? It was because I went back to take down an interactive installation and everything was still there. With street art, you can never be guaranteed that the things you’re...
Celebrate Your Unique Talents

Celebrate Your Unique Talents

Today is Celebrate Your Unique Talents Day! Talents are such a weird thing. They take tons of practice, focus, and dedication, and we all have the potential to have at least one talent. If you practiced doing something for an hour every day, you are bound to become an...
50 Good Things

50 Good Things

As important as I feel it is to document the happiness I experience on each specific day, it’s also really great to write general happy lists. These things haven’t happened to me today, but they are always good, and good things deserve to be recognized!...
Forget Me Not Day

Forget Me Not Day

Happy Forget Me Not Day! Today is a day to celebrate all the things you always want to remember, whether that be people, animals, or events. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on the things that are most important to you and figure out where your priorities...
Celebrate November!

Celebrate November!

Happy November, guys! I had a really great October, and I hope you did too. It’s not too late to send me your Top Ten Things lists about last month. I’d love to read them! Here is my list: November is: Family Stories Month Percussion Month Inspirational...
YOLO Coffins

YOLO Coffins

YOLO is a relatively new term for people. It stands for “You Only Live Once”, and is essentially the lower class version of “Carpe Diem”. The sentiment is good at its core, but it’s become something people shout out to justify all...