Whenever someone used to bring up altars, I’d kind of let my eyes gloss over. In my mind they were small tables you prayed in front of that held religious objects, and as someone who doesn’t partake in any kind of organized religion, I assumed they had no place in my life, so I moved on from the topic entirely.
Within the past year, I’ve realized that altars don’t need to be a place where you store holy books and religious parephranalia. It’s actually a space for anything you want, anything you find significant. Once I wrapped my head around that, I decided I would make one, but never did.
Then one day recently, I received a package n the mail that I referenced in this Monthly Mailings post. Michelle had made one of my favorite songs come to life in a tangible way and sent it to the treasure chest that is my PO Box. Receiving it was a spiritual experience, and I suddenly knew that this was going to be the start of my altar, or at least the inspiration for the beginning of mine.
I collected items that mean something to me, and moved them over to a shelf that I’m realizing was specifically made for this. I laid down a piece of satin yellow fabric, and started to scatter and tape up these little treasures I’ve slowly accumulated.
[Featured] A gold glittery magic wand, reminding me I am a star A vanilla scented candle that make my whole room smell delicious A picture of my grandmother from the early 1930’s A drawing from Olivia of my spirit animal (a birdmaid, — bird + mermaid hybrid) An index card collage from Marian reading “HAPPY” A photograph-turned-postcard of Carly and Silkworm, taking a boat ride in a rain puddle A small gold plastic treasure chest, containing a small padded heart I stole from Build-A-Bear as a teenager after I decided that I would store my emotions inside of it Obviously the jar of origami stars and letter from Michelle that inspired the whole project An old antique skeleton key, unlocking hidden desires A roll of 100 wish tickets Rainbow star tinsel A figurine of Ariel in my favorite moment of “The Little Mermaid”, that my tatto is inspired by A sparkly tinsel party hat, reminding me to celebrate life A tiny hand mirror from the 40’s A postcard from Michelle’s birthday trip, from a project that made me cry it was so beautiful A super old and chipping brooch of a hot air balloon A swatch from April’s business, Prillamena, reminding me to go after what I want
When I was finished placing everything the way I wanted it, I symbolically kneeled to light the candle and sprinkle confetti around. It was a beautiful moment. Now, every time I light the candle, I feel the energy from these special objects.
My suggestions for making your own altar:
Don’t be intimidated by the idea that it needs to be religious, anything that is special to you is fair game
Have some sort of starting ritual, sending energy into the objects
Include something that is or can be active/alive, like a candle, plant, fountain, etc.
Figure out if you want some sort of aesthetic focal point
Make the size work for you; it can be as small as an Altoid tin or as big as an entire tabletop
Think about what you’re going to use your altar for, and if you’re going to be meditating or performing rituals in front of it, include adequate space and seating in your planning and decorating
Do you have your own altar? Have you ever thought of making one? What would you put on it?
Pretty much teary-eyed over the fact that you have a photo of SW and I nut sailing on your altar. We’re totally honored to be of inspiration to you: one of our own biggest inspirations. ♥
This is such a cool idea, though! I’ve been wanting to make more of an inspiration wall lately, but I suppose it’s kind of the same general concept. Gotta get some printer ink first, but planning is fun in the meantime!
You’ve become a really important part of my life, Carly. And a huge reason for that is your incredible capacity for whimsy and spirit. Both of those things are drastically important to me, and are exemplified in my altar. So of course you’re a part of it. And yes! I have an inspiration bulletin board, too. But this was a good place for more of my 3D objects. 🙂
What a lovely altar. A spacial space that holds those things that are precious to you. And when you stand or kneel before it, all those wonderful emotions radiate out from it. When we are feeling scattered, an altar is a focal point that grounds us.
My altar has lots of feminine things on it. Little statues of Mary, a special doll given to me by my sister, the collar and tags from a beloved pet, hand made linens and gifts given to me and found on my thrifting trips. Connecting me to my own feminine ancestry but also to that of others. I love to just sit and look at everything.
Exactly! Aw, I love what you have on your altar. It would be great to see a picture if you have one!
I love your altar! It’s very Mary, which means glittery, colorful, and fabulous!
Aww. Thank you, Erica!!
Oh what a magical place you are.
<3 Wish that was a Dr. Seuss book.
Haha you’re right, that’d be brilliant. Perhaps we should collaborate and create our own!
When we meet in person (not if), this will be our project.