My Swimsuit Style | Uncustomary Art

Hello beautiful, welcomeย to the #MySwimsuitStyle challenge hosted by Marรญa Josรฉ Ovalle of Very Busy Mamรกย andย co-hosted by the fabulousย Katie Reed of A Mother Thing, Reesa Lewandowski ofย Momma Lew,ย Vicky Mason of The Mummy Chroniclesย and Andrea Summers of Momma in Flip Flops.

My Swimsuit Style | Uncustomary Art

We are trying toย promote and encourage self loveย not loathing this summer, and really all year round. The thing is, summer is a time that we tend to get much more critical of ourselves, particularly our physical bodies, as we prepare for “beach season”. Weย might beย worried about how we’ll appear to others in our bathing suits, because it’s probably the least amount of skin coverage we’ll have in public all year long.

My Swimsuit Style | Uncustomary Art

It’s totally fair, and there’s nothing wrong with working out to try to get your body in tip-top shape, but you know what else is fine? Just loving yourself as you are. If you didn’t get rid of your love handles or establish a six-pack by the summer solstice, just throw on your bathing suit anyway! (If you’re interested, the bikini top was purchased at Forever 21 and the bottoms are from WalMart!)

My Swimsuit Style | Uncustomary Art

If you want a bikini body, put a bikini on your body! [Tweet it!]

My Swimsuit Style | Uncustomary Art

The last time I wore a bikini in public, I was sixteen. It’s kind of big deal for me to have a bikini, even if it’s aย fatkini, which I have no problem with. Since then, I’ve lived a hell of a life, full of beauty and struggle. I look at my stretch marks and cellulite in a similar way I imagine mothers do. They know those marks on their skin represent the journey they took to create a little baby, and while I’m not a mother (and could never be), I look at mine knowing that I made a choice to put my mental health above physical beauty.

My Swimsuit Style | Uncustomary Art

So join in by showing off YOUR swimsuit style, let go of your insecurities, and make a splashย this summer!ย How can you participate?ย Write a blog, or simply post a picture in your swimsuit to Facebook, Instagram or Twitterย using #MySwimsuitStyle, submit your link, andย visit participants leaving positive comments!

#MySwimsuitStyle self LOVE not self loathing

Proudly sponsored by Miraclesuitย and hosted byย Very Busy Mamรก, who you can follow on Twitterย | Facebookย | Instagramย |ย YouTubeย for all things motherhood, beauty, and style.

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