#70 on my 100 Ways To Be Creative list is to go a whole day without communicative technology. I did this towards the last twenty-four hours of my week without social media. From 3:15 pm Friday to 3:15 pm Saturday, I went without the following:
– all social media
– internet
– TV of any kind
– cell phone/land line
– iPod
I turned off my phone and began the process right after I left work. When I got home I photographed some mail and worked on some street art projects. Then, I went to the University of Baltimore’s knitting group to talk about yarnbombing. When I got back home, I finished preparing for the next morning’s street art adventure.
I think keeping busy is definitely key to completing a challenge like this. I always fall asleep with the TV on, and it was strange to fall asleep in complete silence and darkness. Something else I noticed was that I depend on my phone and laptop to know what time it is. There is one clock in my house, so every time I went to the kitchen I had to remember to check the time.
In the morning I went to the city and did a lot of street art activities. The picture is a sticker I made and stuck on a pole in Hampden. The only thing I’ve already posted about is the Blind Books that I left out for people. More to come, though, I promise!
Have you ever gone a whole day without your phone, social media, internet, etc.?