Oh hey there, sunshine. I want to let you know that from Thursday to Monday I am going to be camping at Playa Del Feugo in Delaware (kind of like a smaller version of Burning Man), and I’m not going to have internet access! There are blog posts scheduled for each day, but I may not be able to promote them on social media like usual, so just come on over and see what’s up when you remember!
Since I’m not going to be here, I wanted to also make some announcements:
1) The “What’s Your View?” Mail Art Show book is available for purchase. If you were a participant in the show you get a little discount!
2) Round 3 for the Snail Mail Game Show is now closed. I will be getting these mailed out ASAP. You can feel free to sign up for Round 4 starting now. More details for Round 4 will be announced once the results from Round 3 are posted.
3) The ad banner sale is still going on. Get a big space for $2.50 and a small one for $1 with coupon codes “coolashell” and “becauseiloveyou” respectively.
1. Ferris wheels + sunsets on The National Harbor
2. Making beaks out of plates for Chicken Dance Day
3. Seeing the things I send via mail in people’s homes
4. Cow couches
5. Best friend talk
6. The Naval Academy Chapel
7. Pictures I refuse to explain
8. Unexpected, gorgeous, green, windy, country roads
9. Hot air balloon window displays
10. Color-changing clouds
I would also like to share some silly video footage of me attempting to recreate the intro for Gob’s magic show in Arrested Development. If you’re unfamiliar with that, you’re gonna want to watch (at least) the beginning part of this. And when you’re done that, watch my video. And when you’re done that, go watch all of Arrested Development. It’s an amazing show.
Anyway, I made this for my friend April as her very belated birthday present. Speaking of birthdays, yesterday my dad turned sixty! Old man with an awesome daughter, eh? What’s on your happy list this week?
Its a cowch! haha.
I snorted. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read this. I have NO IDEA how I didn’t realize that.
They’re ILLUSIONS, Michael!
A trick is something a whore does for money…. *notices children*… or cocaine!
Ok, your video totally just made MY day. I loved it!
Hahah I’m so glad!! Thank you!
Anytime I hear this song…I think of Gob…and now I will also think of you. And for some reason, this makes me want to rub a deck of cards all over myself.