A few months ago, a couple people asked me if I posed for a coloring book that was for sale at our local sex shop, Sugar. I had no idea what they were talking about, so I went and checked it out and sure enough, holy crap it looks like me.

The coloring book is NSFW, hence being sold at a sex shop, and I’m only on the cover and inside page (yes you can color me in); the rest of the pages are various sexy scenes with other characters. It’s a really cool book done by SheVibe, edited by LadyCheeky and can be purchased online here. (Links are NSFW.)

I decided I wanted to recreate the photo since I look so much like the drawing, so I got a purple blanket and a Maura and kneeled on my bed. Do you see the resemblance? ๐Ÿ˜‰

NSFW Coloring Book Doppelganger | Uncustomary

NSFW Coloring Book Doppelganger | Uncustomary

NSFW Coloring Book Doppelganger | Uncustomary

Anyway, that was just something fun I felt like sharing with you on a Saturday. If you get a copy of the book and color me in, I’d love to see!

Photos: Maura Housley