Happy Wednesday! Thank you all for your love and support after my check in last week. I’m on the fourth week of this new medication, I see my psychiatrist tomorrow, and I’m feeling tons better. This week had a lot of good, simple pleasures. I also got to celebrate two years with Joe! And I want to remind you that for the entire month of September, my book is $5.95 off when you buy it from my publisher. (Use code: “september“)
There are a lot of events coming up this month where you can come meet me in person! On Saturday, the 17th, I will be at Hampdenfest in Baltimore (between Roland and Chestnut) selling my stuff with my friend, Cristen. I’m leaving in the middle to go to a book signing at the Barnes in Noble in Bowie from 1-3. (!!!) You can also come see me at the Baltimore Book Festival (weekend of the 23-25). I’ll be at the Mascot Publishing booth. AND you can come for a free workshop at The Room on September 30th.
Snail Mail Game Show envelopes for Round 11 are en route, and expect updates on the Puzzle Art Project very soon. Make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter to get exclusive updates!
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Here’s some happiness from my past week! What’s on your happiness list?