Hey lovelies! I want to thank you all for putting up with me throughout my intensive e-course launch. Not only that, but for your ongoing support and sticking with me through the countless announcements! I’m so glad you let me into your precious internet space, and I only want to make it better (and a bit more colorful).

I’ve been taking some time to relax (finally and deserved!) and it’s been great. I spent almost the entire weekend just doing fun stuff, and I even went more than twelve hours without checking my inbox. Also, I want to start bringing back raising the roof when good/exciting things happen.

Life is good. It sucks sometimes, but I’m grateful for this giant experience and that very much includes you. I hope you enjoy these colorful photos from my happy list this week, and I’d love to know what’s going on in your life. Please share in the comments!

Here are some things on my happiness list this week:

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
1. The Wonder exhibition at the Renwick Gallery

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2. Keeping up with this new Happy Journal format

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3. Cathy’s face at her rainbow-decorated surprise party

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4. Sending out a giant glitter pill order

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5. This tinsel tree in front of a house in Baltimore

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6. Stuffing all of Zoe’s birthday presents into a mini rainbow pinata

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7. Celebrating popcorn day in style

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8. Colorful candy at Party City

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
9. Making yellow poles a little cooler

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
10. This old photo of me proving I’ve been a waterbaby forever

[Extra Sparkle] * Seeing “Sisters” and laughing my butt off * Eating at Founding Farmers with Cristen * Being excessively neon on dull, grey streets in DC * Pink corner homes * Getting a haircut * Going shopping for Bubble Wrap Party supplies * Getting closer with steps for book publication * New (sparkly) clothes at Forever 21 * Giant dogs who think they’re lap sized * The movie theater being only $6.50/ticket on Tuesdays * Staying up till 5 am laughing at shitty movies with Joe, then going to the diner for breakfast food * Launching my e-course * Realizing the “Charlie Work” episode in season 10 of It’s Always Sunny is basically done in all one shot * Feeling free and euphoric * Paper chains * Retail therapy at Target * Eating at Cazbar with live belly dancing * Talking to Joe about Alanis Morissette for hours * Joe bringing in foam swords he found in the alley, presenting me with mine, and saying, “En garde!”

What’s on your happiness list this week?