Saving your hard-earned funds can be a simple task once you get into a routine, but can be one of the most difficult to get started with. There are quite a few reasons as to why people struggle to save money, though it usually stems from paying off necessities. However, saving doesn’t always have to be some long-winded chore. It can be as simple as putting a couple dollars in a glass jar somewhere. Or, you can mix things up and try a more creative approach. Here are creative methods you can use to save money.
Start Saving Money
The $5 trick is a somewhat underrated form of saving, and it’s about as simple as you can get. All you need to do is to take a $5 bill and put it in a savings account, jar or anywhere you like to store money. The goal is to do this over a certain period of time. For example, you can take $5 when you get paid, store it, and continue to do so for six months. Keep in mind that this trick is very slow going, so you won’t be saving hundreds of dollars in less than a year. It’s a long-term commitment, but it’s available to anyone with even a very basic income.
If you can’t save because debt has you trapped, it may be a good idea to look into refinancing your existing student loans. A new loan from a private lender can lower your monthly payment and give you more breathing room in your budget. In addition, reducing monthly expenses such as cutting your cable bill or limiting the number of times going out to eat, can bring extra savings quickly.
Tackle Would-Be Problems
The next method doesn’t directly involve putting away money, but it’s one that can save you hundreds a year. You’re bound to face problems in your home sooner or later. Plumbing issues, faulty appliances and even structural issues can occur at any given moment. If taken too long to notice, the cost of repairs or replacements can be substantially high. Practice good maintenance habits, and keep a watchful eye on everything. The sooner you spot any signs of damage, then you’ll want to get them looked at by a professional right away. For example, if you notice that your kitchen sink is draining slower than usual, using a plunger to clear a clog or emptying your garbage disposal’s trap could save a costly repair in the future.
Scout for Sales
Sales are a cheapskate’s best friend. But the term cheapskate is often brought up in a negative light. The thing is, being cheap means you’re resourceful and responsible when it comes to finances. Whether it’s for food, clothes, games or even that vacation you want to take, a sale is a great way to have money to spare. Be sure to join any free rewards programs at stores you frequent. Try not to sign up for store credit cards, even if they offer you temporary savings at checkout. These ultimately require you to keep spending just to keep the line of credit open, which only amounts to more debt later on. But if you are thrifty and money-smart, you’ll be able to balance your wants and needs to find options that are both affordable and appealing.
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