A beautiful woman named Desirée contacted me to see if I’d be interested in speaking at a symposium she organizes in Vancouver. I said yes immediately, and have had some really wonderful conversations with her. She’s kind, effervescent, and eager to learn from and help others. She wrote a post for you guys, and I know you’ll enjoy it.

The One Obstacle Keeping You From Everything You Desire

There is only one thing keeping you from having everything you want in your life.

And it is really simple.


Do you believe you are worthy of your own love?

Do you believe you are worthy of your dreams?

If you don’t believe that you deserve all the happiness, abundance, and love the Universe has to offer, then no matter how hard you try you will never reach your goals.

Here’s why:

When we don’t believe we are enough, deep in the core of our being, we make poor choices. Instead of making decisions that lead us towards reaching our goals, we head in exactly the opposite direction- away from everything we desire. We sabotage ourselves. Often we aren’t even aware of it until we look back and wonder how the hell we got to where we are.

The One Obstacle Keeping You From Everything You Desire | Uncustomary

We have incredible power. We have the power to choose.

The choices we make on a daily basis create our life and every decision we make moves us in one of two directions – away from our heart’s desire or towards it. Everything you have manifested in your life in this very moment, all the good and the bad, is because of the choices you made yesterday.

You will know what you believe about yourself by examining your life.

Does your life excite and inspire you or are you bored and frustrated, feeling unfulfilled and wishing you were living someone else’s life?

If you aren’t happy where you are now don’t despair, get excited! You had the power to manifest this life and you have the power within to create something else for yourself, too.

I know from experience if you don’t believe you deserve your dream, you do whatever you can to make sure you don’t receive the gifts you want.

My skewed perception that I was undeserving of happiness prevented me from creating the relationships I desired. I turned down the good guys who loved me and instead chose loveless, destructive relationships because that’s all I believed I deserved. Only after a second failed marriage did I start to notice this pattern.

When you believe you are worthy and when you believe with your whole heart that you deserve you have the power to create anything you desire.

The One Obstacle Keeping You From Everything You Desire | Uncustomary

Life transforms when you choose to accept and love yourself- just as you are.

Try this exercise:

Look into a mirror and meet your gaze. Look into your eyes and say these words aloud:

I am perfect just as I am.

I am worthy of all my heart’s desire.

Practice this everyday until you believe it. Put the affirmations on post-it notes, scribble it on your mirror with eye-liner, but place the message where you can see it throughout your day.

We get into a pattern of denying ourselves a better life because we believe we aren’t good enough. Now is the time to stop believing you aren’t worthy of your own love, your own dreams, your own passions.

Don’t stay in the same unfulfilling relationship, stressful financial situation, or an unhealthy lifestyle because of a skewed belief.

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but start believing you are perfect right now without having to do more or be more. Then put your stake in the ground and claim more for yourself because darling, you deserve a life that fuels you with energy and excitement.

When you start making new choices that are in alignment with your new beliefs, miracles will start unfold. I have witnessed it in my own life and with my clients.

Know you can live your dreams. You can live with passion. You can improve your finances. You can heal your life and feel happy again.

It all starts with a new belief about yourself and new choices.


The One Obstacle by Desiree Sher | Uncustomary Desirée Sher is a passionate life coach, author and speaker. She is on a heart driven mission to empower and inspire women to step into their transformative power and create the abundant magnificent life they are mean to live. You can check out her new book Refuse to Sink on Amazon. Get in touch with her on her site, & follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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