by Uncustomary | Mar 17, 2018 | Celebration, Lists
50 Ways To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 1. Wear as much green as you possibly can 2. Make packets of rainbow seeds 3. Do a pub crawl 4. Bring green candy into work or to share with friends or roommates 5. Prepare shamrock popcorn 6. Watch TV shows about St....
by Uncustomary | Mar 25, 2015 | Happiness
Hey beautiful! After spending the weekend in Connecticut with a bunch of fabulous women and taking eleven hours to drive home (while stopping in Bridgeport, Manhattan, Edison, Newark –both New Jersey and Delaware–, and Trenton), I’m pretty happy to...
by Uncustomary | Mar 18, 2015 | Happiness
Happy Wednesday, all! I hope you had a fun St. Paddy’s Day. Things are pretty busy over here, as I try to get everything taken care of and prepped before I head to Connecticut this weekend for the Monarch Workshop! I’m getting pretty excited about it....
by Uncustomary | Mar 17, 2015 | Self-Love, Street Art
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Do you have any plans today? I’m probably just going to get a drink this afternoon and hang out in my green clothes. There’s a lot of cute stuff traditions surrounding this holiday, like leprachauns and following a rainbow to...
by Uncustomary | Mar 19, 2014 | Happiness
Happy Kick Butts Day! Today is a good day to go out there and not take no for an answer! Go after your dreams like a warrior princess! Kick butt, take names, and wear a tutu while you do it! Anyway, I hope you had a good St. Patrick’s Day! We only have a little...