by Uncustomary | Oct 17, 2014 | Snail Mail
Michelle is here for her monthly check-in with her Peacock Vows and a very special giveaway. It’s been a super busy month for me but I’ve still managed to pump out some mail. Unfortunately (and fortunately) I switched phones somewhere in the middle there– which...
by Uncustomary | Sep 19, 2014 | Goals, Snail Mail
Hey guys! It’s been a bit, but Michelle is here to check in with you on her Peacock Vows of sending beautiful mail year round in 2014! Two months, and I actually have something to show for it! My mail time has gone down to writing once a month, maybe twice if I...
by Uncustomary | Mar 15, 2014 | Goals
Last month, I talked about the ways I’ve begun to expand Uncustomary Art as a business. This included teaching workshops and offering more goods and services to be purchased on my Etsy store. Since the last time I posted, I’ve been working on the...
by Uncustomary | Mar 15, 2014 | Goals
Month three of our Peacock Vows. Read about how Michelle of Busy Weekends is doing with her goal! I’m going to take the focus away from mail for a second. I know it’s only been two months, but I’m learning a lot about monitoring the progress of a...
by Uncustomary | Feb 15, 2014 | Goals
Wow, is it February already!? Hi! I’m Michelle and I run Busy Weekends. As you learned last month, Mary and I are posting on each other’s blogs all year about the progress of one of our creative goals. Mary’s Peacock Vow is to consistently expand her...